Two youth teams are engaged in the national phase of their seasons this weekend: the Under 17s will play the first leg of the quarterfinals against Pro Vercelli on Sunday at the “Piola” Stadium. At the same time, the Under 16s will take on Benevento in the semifinals at the “Avellola” Sports Center. The Primavera squad will play the “A. Vicini” Memorial on Saturday, while the Under 15s are engaged in a friendly match against Parma. Finally, after beating SPAL in the semifinals, the Under 14s will play the final of the Sarti Tournament against Forlì; the match is scheduled for Saturday at 9:30 p.m. at Orogel Stadium Dino Manuzzi. Below are the details.

PRIMAVERA | Memorial “A. Vicini”

Saturday 6/1 - 12:30 – C.S. “G. Mugnaini” – Bogliasco (GE)


UNDER 17 | Pro Vercelli - Cesena – Quarti di finale (away)

Sunday 6/2 – 10:30 – Stadio “Silvio Piola” – Vercelli (VC) 


UNDER 16 | Benevento – Cesena - Semifinale (away)

Sunday 6/2 - 11:00 – C.S. "Avellola" – Benevento (BN) 


UNDER 15 | Cesena - Parma (Friendly)

Saturday 6/1 - 4:00 - C.S. “Alberto Rognoni” - Villa Silvia di Cesena 


UNDER 14 | Cesena – Forlì - Torneo Sarti (Final)

 Saturday 6/1 - 9:30 pm – Orogel Stadium Dino Manuzzi – Cesena